Monday, October 11, 2010

~Rain Shine~ (Chapter 3)

Why? Even I am not sure. My father, one of the generals, told me, and as much as I love him, I'm not sure I believe or trust him. He told me one day when I was 6 that we were going to build an army, so in 10 years we could go to earth and learn knowledge from earthlings, and teach them how to care and realize that they're killing everything. Sadly, at that age, I did know what that meant, death, lots of it. I'm a soul that feels pity for innocent, unlike my father.

So that's why I'm standing on earth right now, I am trying to stop the testing, but I know I will die, even if I succeed, and I know it's only a matter of time ...again. I have to think that dying, fighting for what you believe in is better than dying, with guilt in your heart. In fact, right now, I haven't been prouder than myself. That's something worth dying for, isn't it?

Right now, here on earth, I have gave myself a body, I actually have one, I'm no longer a bodiless soul, I'm flesh and bone with a beating heart. It shows me there is possibility for peace, but sadly the world doesn't work that way. My mom was a human solider, and hid me, before she died, later my dad found me in a hole in the ground, barely alive from the world war. My dad swore revenge, with others, ever since. I followed the other humans into a dark room, they're sobs, echoed in my hearing. I soft tear escaped my eye. I laughed, I was actually crying. The eyes from around me stared from my laughter, I looked down, not sure what to think. I didn't belong here, what was I thinking.


"Oh sweet rain, you will find peace right?"
I stared in my mom's sad eyes.
"Well when your older..."
I looked again, making her know I will.
"I love you." She kissed me on the forehead.
I smiled, a soft, baby smile.
She put me in the small hole she dug and covered as much as she could, leaving small gaps, for air. I looked out one gap to see my mother walk up to the solider, as he shot a bullet through her heart. She screamed in such an intensity, no baby would know.
My baby cries, were loud but not loud enough to go through the gaps. I fell asleep listening to the screams and gun shots of people.


I did belong here, I was fighting for peace, for my mother. I had to succeed, I had to. Or everything will be destroyed, everything. My father can never understand though, he always think he knows, but he's no worse than the soldiers. In truth were all blinded, and that's why we will die, but my plan wont work without a human. That's what I needed to find, a human, but that, could be deeply hard. I'm not like them, and making them believe, is a skill I don't have without resourcing to mind control, and I believe that if it must should be the very last resort.

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